Monday, April 7, 2008


recently am fancy this bag from lancel..
love it!
must get this!!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Chapter 30.12.352

another 13 days and i'll be 31!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

need air

some far far away in-law relatives gave us a surprised visit yesterday
lucky my parents in law are home
(normally both of them were happily away during the weekends)

the first 15 minutes they were touring our house
comment here comment there
keep asking how much we spent on the renothe

continuing 1 hour,
they try to dig out 3 years ago my grandfather-in-law passed away, how much do my parents-in-law inheritted
subsequently, they want to know if my husband is one of the inherit members of my grandparents-in-law

i stayed with them for the first 10 minutes
later i was preparing ingredients for my mum-in-law
she's making us curry chicken for dinner
yumm yumm
thatz the only thing i care

one hour later
my dad-in-law shuu me out of the kitchen and bring us all for luncheon
during the luncheon
the conversation go on and on and on about how this "grand-uncle-in-law" used to be pampered by the grandmother-in-law laa how she used to give him the pocket money (bared in mind he's a 60++ or maybe 70++ yr old man) la and half an hour later he start wining how the rest of the uncles and aunties in-law ignored him....

the conclusion is he is not welcomed.